Below is a listing of selected publications produced in whole or in part by members of the Mesoscale Dynamics Group:
Kastman, J., P.S. Market, N. I. Fox, 2018: Dynamic ensemble analysis of
frontal placement impacts in the presence of elevated thunderstorms
during PRECIP Events. Atmosphere, 9, 339.
Market, P.S., S. M. Rochette, J. Shewchuk, R. Difani, J.S. Kastman, C. B.
Henson, N.I. Fox, 2017: Evaluating elevated convection with the
downdraft convective inhibition. Atmospheric Science Letters.
DOI: 10.1002/asl.727
Rochette, S.M., P.S. Market, C.M. Gravelle, and T.A. Niziol, 2017: A case
study of anomalous snowfall with an Alberta Clipper. Advances in
Meteorology, Article ID 8406379, doi:10.1155/2017/8406379
Kastman, J.S, L. McCoy, P.S. Market, and N.I. Fox, 2017: An example
of synergistic coupling of upper- and lower-level jets associated with
flash flooding. Met. Apps, 24, 206210. doi:10.1002/met.1618
Kastman, J.S, P.S. Market, S.M. Rochette, and A.R. Lupo, 2017: Assessing
upper tropospheric jet streak proximity using the Rossby radius of
deformation. Atmosphere, 8, 2. doi:10.3390/atmos8010002
McCoy L.P., P.S. Market, C.M. Gravelle, C.E. Graves, N.I. Fox, S.M. Rochette,
J. Kastman, B.M. Svoma, 2017: Composites of heavy rain producing
elevated thunderstorms in the MO-KS-OK region of the United States. Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 6932798, doi:10.1122/2017/6932798
Kastman, J.S, A. Foscato, P.S. Market, and N.I. Fox, 2017: Lightning and
rainfall characteristics in elevated vs surface based convection in the
Midwest that produce heavy rainfall. Atmosphere, 8, 36.
Neto, G. D, P. S. Market, A. B. Pezza, P. L. da Silva Dias, L. Calvetti, G. C. J.
Escobar, 2015: Thundersnow in Brazil: the likely event of July 2013.
Atmospheric Science Letters, doi: 10.1002/asl.594
Crandall, K., P. S. Market, A. R. Lupo, R. Tillott, L. McCoy, and J. Abraham,
2015: The application of diabatic heating in Q-vectors for the study of
a North American cyclone event. Advances in Meteorology, Article ID
Rauber, R. M., J. Wegman, D.M. Plummer, A.A. Rosenow, M. Peterson,
G. McFarquhar, B.F. Jewett, D. Leon, P. S. Market, K. R. Knupp,
J. M. Keeler, S. Battaglia, 2014: Stability and charging characteristics of the comma-head region of continental winter cyclones. J. Atmos.Sci.,
71, 1559-1582. doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0253.1
Market, P.S., S.M. Rochette, and A. R. Lupo, 2013: A comparison of modern
and historical methods for calculating Montgomery Steamfunction.
Atmospheric Science Letters, 14, 41-44.
doi: 10.1002/asl.414
Market, P.S., K. Crandall, and R. Rauber, 2012: High-resolution rawinsonde
observations of the cold-sector precipitation regions in transient mid-
latitude extratropical cyclones. National Weather Digest,
36(1), 3-8.
Rochette, S. M., and P. S. Market, 2011: A case study of an anomalous
cold-season easterly jet streak in the mid-latitudes. Electronic
Journal of Operational Meteorology, 2011-EJ6.
Neto, G. D., P. S. Market, A. E. Becker, B. Pettegrew, C. Melick,
C. Schultz, P.I. Buckley, J. V. Clark, A. R. Lupo, R. Holle,
N. Demetriades, and C. E. Barbieri, 2009: A comparison of two
cases of low-latitude thundersnow. Atmosfera,
22(3), 315-330.
Pettegrew, B. P., P. S. Market, R. A. Wolf, R. L. Holle, and N. W. S.
Demetriades, 2009: A case study of severe winter convection. Wea.
Forecasting, 24, 121-139.
Market, P.S., and A. E. Becker, 2009: A study of lightning flashes attending
periods of banded snowfall. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L01809,
doi: 10.1029/2008GL036317